The 6 Best Digital Marketing Strategies

Best Digital Marketing Strategies Spongebob Meme

We talk a lot about SEO Editing on this blog.

However, there are plenty of other digital marketing strategies you should take advantage of.

In order to create a truly effective and holistic digital marketing strategy, you’ll need to make use of multiple online channels.

This will allow you to build more awareness for your brand, generate more leads, and convert more people into customers.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing encapsulates all of your online marketing channels.

Digital Marketing Expanding Brain Meme

This includes organic strategies, like SEO Editing and content marketing, as well as paid strategies, like PPC ads.

Remember, digital marketing strategies work best when they support one another, so you’ll want to incorporate more than one into your brand’s overall marketing strategy.

Why Is Digital Marketing Important?

Digital marketing has never been more important than it is today, and it’s becoming more and more important each day.

It is important because so many purchases are made online.

It’s also important because so many people discover and interact with brands via the Internet.

Nowadays, the buyer’s journey likely won’t include any physical interaction at all.

If you’re not utilizing digital channels, you’re missing out on the best way to interact with potential customers and convert them into buyers.

With all the user data you can access, you can also understand your customer better so you can improve your marketing efforts and target the right people.

This helps you reach new customers in a more cost-effective way than traditional methods of advertising and marketing.

The 6 Best Digital Marketing Strategies

Since digital marketing involves your entire online presence, there are plenty of strategies to choose from.

Which strategies work best will depend on your brand and your target audience.

However, the following strategies are some of the most effective, so you should consider testing them to see how they work for your brand.

1. SEO Editing

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, it should come as no surprise that the first strategy on this list is SEO Editing.

Seo Editing Pulp Fiction Meme

It is a form of content marketing in which you create valuable written content, like blog posts, for your target audience.

By creating awesome and thematically connected content, you can rank higher in search engine results and drive organic traffic to your site.

Of course, SEO Editing requires a lot of planning and is more complicated than simply putting together a collection of random blog posts.

However, it’s a great method for breaking down the resistance many people have to more traditional forms of advertising.

This is because you are providing the content people are actually searching for.

Because you are providing your audience value, they’ll be likelier to trust your brand and build a meaningful relationship with you.

While it’s a long-term and indirect strategy, it’s also one of the best strategies for developing sustainability for your brand so you don’t have to invest as much money in other digital channels.

2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

While creating SEO-optimized content should be a key part of your SEO strategy, there are other SEO techniques to consider.

For example, if you own a small business and are looking to increase local foot traffic, you’ll want to make sure your Local SEO is optimized.

This involves creating and maintaining a Google My Business profile, submitting your business to directories to secure citations, and getting customers to leave reviews for your business.

You may also consider running paid ads on Google.

These are the results that appear at the very top of the page with the word “Ad” before the headline.

Google Ads Example

Which strategies you should implement will always be determined by the needs of your brand.

3. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social media marketing involves the use of social media platforms to promote your brand.

While having a good SEO strategy is a great way to help people find and engage with your content, you should also consider other avenues through which people can find your content.

It would be great if you could rely entirely on Google to surface your result for your targeted keywords, but you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Social media is an excellent distribution channel for your content.

By driving more traffic to your content through social media, you increase the chance of people linking to it which can improve your SEO efforts.

It’s also important to remember, however, that you can create content specifically for social media.

For example, if you have a visually appealing product, it may be a good idea to share images on Instagram.

However, if you are selling a B2B service and providing value via how-to or informational content, it may make more sense to focus more on promoting your brand via a platform like LinkedIn.

This is why it’s key to understand your target audience and the product or service you are selling.

Finally, while posting shareable content on social media is a great way to boost organic traffic to your site, it may be helpful to experiment with paid ads.

By using paid ads to target your intended audience, you can ensure your content is being seen by the right people.

Once the right people see your content, they’ll share that content in their network, which will boost your reach and build your brand awareness.

Once you’re following is large enough, your posts’ organic reach should improve, meaning you shouldn’t have to rely so much on paid ads.

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves getting those with large followings to promote your brand.

Influencer Digital Marketing Ron Burgundy Meme

There are two great advantages to this type of digital marketing.

First, when an influencer approves of your brand, it establishes legitimacy and gets people to trust your brand more.

Second, your brand gets exposure to a large audience which should boost awareness for your brand.

For example, Oprah often promotes products to her fans which results in a huge sales boost for the brand being promoted.

Other influencers can have the same effect on your brand when they promote your product via their social media or other digital channels (and they don’t need to have quite the massive following that someone like Oprah does!).

By connecting with influencers in your niche, you can improve your brand awareness and conversions.

Depending on the influencer, you may need to pay for promotion or try to work out a product giveaway.

However, if you can get in front of the right audience the cost may be more than worth it.

5. PPC and PPI Marketing

Pay-per-click and pay-per-impression are paid digital marketing strategies.

The difference between PPC and PPI

Pay-per-click means you will pay a platform every time your ad is clicked on.

You can buy these types of ads on social media or Google.

How much you pay per click will fluctuate based on the competition for the keyword or demographic you are trying to advertise to.

However, just because you only pay when your ad is actually clicked on doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make your ad as good as possible.

Google will only serve your ad if it thinks someone will be likely to click on it.

So, if Google shows your ad to some people, but none of them actually click on it, it will choose to show someone else’s ad instead.

Finally, some social media platforms allow you to pay per thousand impressions rather than per click.

These campaigns are typically cheaper than PPC campaigns since it requires no action from the user.

However, impression campaigns can be great for building brand awareness and getting people to remember your brand, so you may want to consider utilizing them.

6. Email Marketing

Email marketing is exactly what it sounds like–promoting your brand via email.

Email Marketing Seinfeld Meme

You’ll likely want to use an email marketing tool in order to organize your contacts, test different versions of emails, and measure how your emails are performing with metrics like click-through rate.

Of course, within email marketing there are plenty of different tactics you can use.

For example, if you have a blog where you write about your niche, consider starting an email newsletter with an exclusive piece of content.

If you’re selling a product or service, consider offering exclusive discounts or promotions.

Most people won’t give out their email to just anyone, so make sure you are providing your audience with enough value to justify their sign up.

Conclusion: Use Multiple Digital Marketing Strategies and Let Them Support One Another

Utilizing more than one of the digital marketing strategies above is the key to producing results.

For example, let’s say you want to run an email marketing campaign.

However, before you can start sending out emails, you’ll need people to trust your brand enough to give you their contact info.

If you have a great blog with awesome content that your target audience gains a lot of value from, they’ll be likelier to sign up for an email newsletter that provides even more valuable information.

They’ll also need to find your blog and content, which social media or a great SEO strategy can help with.

This is why it’s so important to utilize multiple digital marketing strategies and let them all support one another.

However, trying to organize all your digital marketing channels while running your business can be a lot to handle.

If you’re in need of some digital marketing expertise, consider working with a digital marketer like myself.